This site will be under experimental construction, aiming to be fully multi-lingual in the future.

Their work as a designer explores new forms of intimacy that go beyond human experience and timescale. There where data of an object is separated from the object itself, and the Self within itself is critically questioned. The well-known 'glitch' within the behavior of smart technology is being reconsidered and used as a means of communication.

Using creative technology and material implementation in an innovative yet unexpected way is a key aspect of her work.

She delves into the complexities of (non-)human behavior, psychology, social issues, as well as the digital and the esoteric. Their work gives space to diverse forms of consciousness, which challenge conventional norms and embraces the possibilities of unconventional design. 

Considering their deep connection and affinity with non-human life, they find it interesting to compare their personal experiences with those of an inanimate object; she places herself in a vulnerable position next to the other.

Patricia also writes for Veiled Musings; an experimental way for them to publsih insights into their design work. Next to working as an editor at Tijdschrift Kunstlicht.

Black Mirror 
  • 2022
  • Collaborator: Laura A Dima
  • EDRi - 20 year anniversary event Brussels

view Black Mirror

In samenwerking met Laura A Dima, en onderdeel van haar doorlopende project myFACE.

In essentie is Black Mirror een scherm dat verbonden is met een camera en algoritme. Het scherm is inactief tot het moment dat Laura’s gezicht, of een van de siliconen-versies van haar gezicht, herkent wordt. Het programmeren van het algoritme is gedaan door Patricia, gebruikmakend van een combinatie van Javascript, HTML, Tensorflow.

Daarnaast is er geëxperimenteerd en onderzoek gedaan om AI als co-creation tool te gebruiken door het programmeren van een custom face synthesizer.